30 november 2006

Jag skrev en pryl

I brist på bättre saker att ta mig till sista dagen på jobbet, plitade jag ned en rad någon stans i dagens Metro: I wrote a love song, and then I wrote another. Detta utvecklade sig sedan till en hel (nåja) sång, som genast sattes till sedvanligt simpelt gitarrkomp. Soundclick!

I wrote a love song
and then I wrote another
I wrote some stories
I wouldn't show my mother

But I have a problem
cause they all sound the same
I keep banging the same chords
over and over again

I wanted to be a rockstar
who travelled the world around
but on the popcharts
I barely made a sound

Cause I have a problem
I always sound the same
I keep banging the same chords
over and over again

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